Inner South Family and Friends News Update 30 March 2020

Walk’n Chat social outings planned for April have been postponed until further notice due to restrictions introduced to reduce the spread of COVID-19 cases.  Outdoor activities are now limited to two people unless members of the same household.  Members who would like to continue to enjoy outdoor exercise with company are encouraged to link up with one other person.

Our office at Level Four, Spotless Building 549 St Kilda Road Melbourne is currently unattended, however if you need information or support please call Judi on 0425 723 746

An important message from our Chairperson Judi
‘Life in the Time of Corona’
is an interesting and challenging experience which we are all coming to terms with. If we wish to survive we will have to live with the challenges for some time. Regrettably tonight’s announcement from our Prime Minister was the absolute death knell for our monthly Thursday Walk’ n Chats. Hopefully we will be able to resume them in a few months, so keep the first Thursday afternoons of each month free.

ISFAF Facebook page
So that members who may not have each other’s contact details can chat, we will have an ISFAF Facebook page up in the next couple of days. This can continue as a forum among members. An ISFAf Facebook page will also provide a means for members to catch up with one another, either  by continuing on the page, or by reverting to private contact with some of their Facebook friends – or both.

Please don’t forget our ISFAF Webpage at


Monthly Meetings
We are planning to run monthly meetings via Zoom.  I think I can safely say that a speaker with extensive experience acting for carers will speak to us on the very important topic: ‘NDIS tricks and Tips’ at 7.30pm Tuesday 14 April.  Zoom provides the opportunity for discussion and question time. Once the meeting is set up you will all receive invitations.

A Tale of Two ISFAF Travellers
Two of our members recently travelled to Italy, where they boarded a lovely cruise ship for fun on the Mediterranean. As you might imagine, the fun was cut short. Rather than the ship returning to Italy, our friends were evacuated returning to Melbourne via Paris instead of Rome.

The older of the two is in her 80’s and perfectly healthy. Our younger friend, aged in her 60’s is recovering from corona virus, which has been treated at her home uneventfully.

While the story shows there’s hope for us oldies, it does not provide an excuse not to follow the Federal Government  Strategy – stay home, connect on line / phone with your friends, enjoy your gardening, clean the house, read and make good use of media.  Below this message are links to a number of interesting sites, but since I compiled the list, many more have opened up. Youtube has an inexhaustible supply of diversions.

I look forward to catching up with you all on 15 April at our Zoomed Monthly Meeting,

Warm Regards,


Entertainment on line
Since I made the list below, many other galleries and musical groups /orchestras have provided access to their works, so if you google any orchestra or gallery of your choice, you might find them to have put material on line.

Melbourne Museum
Melbourne Immigration Museum
Melbourne Symphony Concerts live
Opera lovers who attend screenings of some of these performances at Palace cinemas and the Nova, know they can be mind blowing experiences especially when Anna Netrebko is in them. I thought $20 for a top seat at the MET (via Palace cinema) was cheap, but now it’s totally free for the first 7 days and no long plane ride is needed.
NGV Channel

Also many other events/entertainments are available on line.

M: 0425 723 746
Ph/Fax: 03 9528 2820