Dear Tandem members and supporters,
During this unprecedented time it is more important than ever for us all to stay connected.
We will do this in a number of ways:
- We will send out a twice weekly enews to update you on mental health and related news that might be of interest and provide you with links to practical support, and self-care tips
- We will continue to post regularly on social media and
- Will Provide website updates (launching next week)
If you have any suggestions for content please email us at you have a podcast you would like to share? A story? A song?
The Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System has announced it has taken the preventative measure of cancelling its second and final round of public hearings. Those of you who signed up to work with us as Family Ambassadors might be wondering how we continue in this current environment. I will be in touch with you all next week as I have no intention of letting the situation we face impact any more than necessary on our efforts to be heard. We will find a way!
The WHO suggests to avoid watching, reading or listening to news that causes you to feel anxious or distressed; seek information mainly to take practical steps to prepare your plans and protect yourself and loved ones.
Get the facts. Gather information at regular intervals, from the WHO website and local health authorities platforms, such as the DHHS website in order to help you distinguish facts from rumours.
The Tandem team is here for you so please call us on the FREE Tandem Support and Referral Line 1800 314 325 if you have a query or just want to touch base.
Please enjoy the clip below of his Holiness The Dalai Lama sharing his wisdom with us all in How to Have a Happy and Meaningful Life.
I would like to leave you with this inspiring quote I recently read by Rabbi Josef Kanesky
“And the very last thing we need right now, is a mindset of mutual distancing.
We actually need to be thinking in the exact opposite way:
Every hand that we don’t shake must become a phone call that we place. Every embrace that we avoid must become a verbal expression of warmth and concern.
Every inch and every foot that we physically place between ourselves and another, must become a thought as to how we might be of help to that other, should the need arise.”
In Tandem we will get through this!
Let’s stay connected, continue to communicate and support each other.
Take care,
Please click on the link below to read the complete newsletter:
Care for Carers Tandem Update