Access Care Southern 1300 653 356, 1230 Nepean Highway, Cheltenham provides services to care for people in the community. They provide practical support for people who are elderly, living with a disability, their carers and people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Services are available for people in the south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne, that is, the cities of Kingston, Bayside, Glen Eira, Port Phillip and Stonnington.
Anxiety Disorders Association of Victoria 9853 8089 (10.30am to 4pm, Tuesday to Friday) provides community-based support, information and resources to help individuals manage anxiety and depression issues.
Anxiety Recovery Centre Victoria OCD and Anxiety HelpLine 9830 0533 or 1300 269 438, is a state-wide community mental health organisation, providing self help, recovery, early intervention and educational services to people and families living with anxiety disorders.
Australian Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Foundation Ltd 8803 5588, Level 1, 37 Mollison Street, Abbotsford 3067, email aims to support and promote services which are high quality, accessible, timely, responsive and appropriate for the tratment and care of people with BPD, their families/carers, as well as education for clinicians and workers. For more information see
Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement The Bereavement Counselling and Support Service is located at 233 Wellington Road, Mulgrave, Victoria 3170. For further information phone (03) 9265 2100,
Better Health Network formerly Star Health Services
Telephone 132 246
Beyond Blue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.
Black Dog Institute 02 9382 2991 is a not-for-profit, educational, research, clinical commu-oriented facility offering specialist expertise in depression and bipolar disorder.
The Bouverie Centre Victoria’s Family Institute (03) 8481 4800, 8 Gardiner Street, Brunswick 3056, email The centre provides general family-based clinical services to families with an individual child, adolescent or adult member who is affected by serious emotional/behavioural disturbances or mental illness.
Clarable supports individuals and families with complex needs to live a great life. We take a rights-based approach, informed by our lived experience of health, mental health, and disability systems. We operate from rooms in Hawthorn or Yarraville, Victoria. We also provide outreach services to clients in need across metropolitan or regional Victoria.
Call us on 1300 252 722
Eating Disorders Victoria (EDV) 9885 6563, 1300 550 236, email, Level 2, Collingwood Football Club Community Centre
Cnr Lulie and Abbot Streets, Abbotsford Vic 3067
Open 9.30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday
We’re here to help. We provide Victorians with guidance and support at every stage of the journey, from discovery to recovery.
ECHOES 0458 181 222, 0427 660 006, 16a Toorak Road, South Yarra 3141 is a peer run support group for people who experience dissociation or multiplicity. Dissociation is an entirely normal response to overwhelming trauma. It is a way of surviving something that otherwise would be unbearably painful. Support groups are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 7pm to 8.30pm.
Emerging Minds has been dedicated to the mental health and emotional wellbeing of Australian infants, children and families for over 20 years. Whether you’re a practitioner, parent, family member or organisation, we’re here to help you connect with better mental health information and approaches for infants, children and families. ©2023 Emerging Minds
42 Carlisle St, St Kilda VIC 3182 Phone us: (03) 9537 3177 Fax us: (03) 9537 0133 Email us:
At First Step, we focus on ‘incremental whole-of-life improvements.’ What this means is that progress in one area, such as mental health, leads to progress in another area, such as addiction.
We don’t rush to diagnose or medicate or ‘fix’. We get to know our clients and understand their needs before gathering a specialist team around them.
Experience has taught us that referring people to other services, in other locations, dramatically reduces their likelihood of attending. It also removes the possibility of coordinated planning and care.
First Step’s integrated approach has a very real chance of helping vulnerable clients achieve incremental whole-of-life improvements.
Griefline National Toll Free Number 1300 845 745 7 days a week, 8am to 8pm (AEST)
Our phone support sessions are secure and confidential and available to adults aged 18 years and over. Our helpline is open from 6am to midnight (Melbourne time) every day of the year.
Our goal is to ensure that you feel welcomed, connected and accepted through your experience of grief and loss. We suspend judgment to recognise and accept your suffering and unique grief experience.
Our specially trained volunteers are here for you and are ready to listen when you are ready to talk. They are skilled and compassionate and will provide you with support tools and coping strategies, while walking alongside you during this time of grief and loss.
GROW 1800 558 268, 707 Glen Huntly Road, Caulfield South 3162,
GROW is a community-based organisation that has helped thousands of Australians with their recovery from mental ill-health through a unique program of mutual support and personal development.
Head to Health
Click here to go to our website We’ve changed our name to align with the Australian Government’s national rollout of Head to Health.
If you’re trying to improve your own mental health, or support somebody else with mental health issues, Head to Health provides links to trusted Australian online and phone supports, resources and treatment options. Head to Health is a collaboration between the Australian Government Department of Health, the community, and the mental health sector.
Learn more about Head to Health
Each year, headspace helps thousands of young people access vital support through our headspace centres across Australia, our online and phone counselling services, our work and study services, and our presence in schools. headspace can help young people with mental health, physical health (including sexual health) alcohol and other drug services, and work and study support.
Find a centre
Independent Mental Health Advocacy
Call 1300 947 820 to speak to an advocate about your rights and for support to speak up about your assessment, treatment and recovery.
Call 1800 959 353 to hear a free recording of your rights under the Mental Health Act 2014. This phone line is available 24 hours a day.
Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
Lifeline 13 11 14
Mensline Australia 1300 789 978 – 24/7 is a national telephone support service for men with family or relationship concerns.
Mental Health Legal Centre 03 9629 4422, PO Box 495, 72-82 Errol Street, North Melbourne Vic 8006
Telephone advice line hours are Tuesday – Friday 9am-12pm and 2pm-5pm.
We provide a free and confidential legal service to people with a lived experience of mental illness or involvement with the mental health system.
Mental Health Foundation of Australia (Victoria) 1300 643 287 Mental Health Support Groups (MHSG) are among the best and most widely proven methods for empowering and connecting consumers, caregiver, family and friends. In these groups, participants can open up, realise they are not alone, address past unresolved issues, set new goals, learn new skills and take charge of their lives. For many people, the support group is the best environment to accomplish these changes.
Location Level 6, 136 Exhibition Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Contact Us Tel: +61 (3) 9519 7000
Mental Health Victoria is the peak body representing a wide range of organisations that are committed to advocating for the development and funding of evidence-based public policy and research to improve the entire mental health system for the benefit of all community members.
Mentis Assist
Mentis Assist is one of Victoria’s primary not-for-profit, non-government, community managed mental health service providers supporting people with mental illness and psychiatric disabilities. With a 30 year history in the provision of high quality mental health support in the Southern/ Bayside/ peninsula region and more recently in the areas of Casey and Cardinia, they have supported thousands of people from all walks of life as they achieve their goals. Mentis Assist supports individuals and their families, offering a range of services including one on one outreach and in office support, service and care co-ordination, group activities, family support and a suite of training and meaningful activity options.
Mind Australia 1300 286 463, Carer Helpline 1300 554 660, 86-92 Mount Street, Heidelberg 3084, email
Mind offers a range of specialised psychosocial support services and therapies to help you gain better mental health and improve the quality of your life, including:
- information and advice
- housing and support solutions
- support coordination
- specialised assessments and counselling
- in home and community support
- sub-acute recovery care
- family and carer support services
- recovery retreats
Mind Family and Carer Support Services 62 Playne Street Frankston, telephone 1300 554 660
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PANDA – Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia is the national lead organisation supporting and representing expecting and new parents and their families across Australia to understand and recover from perinatal anxiety and depression, a serious and potentially devastating illness that affects around 100,000 Australian families every year.
PANDA operates Australia’s only National Helpline that supports expecting and new parents across the country affected by perinatal mental illness. They provide two websites with crucial information and advice, including a free online Mental Health Checklist, self-screening tool for people to assess their wellbeing and seek professional support if necessary. They also strive to raise awareness and reduce stigma in the community.
PANDA National Helpline (Monday to Saturday) 1300 726 30
Rainbow Door is a free service that is here to support you. You can call, text or email us. Phone: 1800 729 367 We are a free specialist LGBTIQA+ helpline providing information, support, and referral to all LGBTIQA+ Victorians, their friends and family.
Find out more
Sacred Heart Mission 9537 1166, 87 Grey Street, St Kilda, email
Sacred Heart Mission’s support services for individuals aims to provide an intensive, holistic approach to well being for people experiencing poverty, covering physical, spiritual and mental health issues as well as more practical everyday living concerns. The majority of these services are by referral from the Meals Program, the Resource Room or the Women’s House. These services work in conjunction with community partners to provide assistance with finding housing, developing life skills and dealing with legal issues to address the range of problems experienced by those in the cycle of poverty, homelessness and disadvantage. See more at:
Salvation Army Crisis Services 9536 7777,
St Kilda Community Centre 9534 0777, 161 Chapel Street St Kilda
The Centre is the home of The Port Phillip Community Group, St Kilda Legal Service and Tenants Union Victoria. Help is offered with financial and debt problems, advocacy, information and support, rooming house problems, legal problems, community education, Centrelink problems, tenancy problems, no interest loans.
SANE Australia 9682 5933 – Helpline 1800 187 263 SANE is for people with recurring, persistent or complex mental health issues and trauma, and for their families, friends and communities.
Spectrum is a state-wide specialist service specialising in the treatment of personality disorders and complex trauma in Victoria. It also contributes to both international and national research and provides workforce development training nationally in the field of BPD and other personality disorders/complex trauma where high levels of functional impairment bring the consumer to the attention of specialist mental health services. Spectrum supports primary and public sector mental health services responding to referrals from General Practitioners, mental health services and other services across Victoria and interstate. Spectrum works with people aged 16-64 years and has treated people with BPD in Victoria for the past 20+ years. Spectrum works with state justice systems to deliver assessment and treatment services to individuals with BPD who are, or are at risk of, being incarcerated.
South East Metro Family and Carer Led Centre
For more information please contact:
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467, 24/7 provides crisis counselling to people at risk of suicide, carers for someone who is suicidal and those bereaved by suicide across Australia.
Suicide Helpline Victoria 1300 651 251, 24/7
UnitingCare Prahran Mission 9692 9500, 211 Chapel Street, Prahran 3181
UnitingCare provides a wide range of services for people living with a diagnosis of mental illness or living with extreme economic or social disadvantage.
Services include:
- aged care packages
- emergency relief and material aid
- employment assistance
- hearing voices programs
- individual support packages
- low cost training
- pastoral care
- service engagement supports.
Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council, 9380 3900, Building 1, 22 Aintree Street, Brunswick East 3057
VMIAC is the peak Victorian non-government organisation for people who have experience with a mental illness or emotional distress. VMIAC engages in a number of activities, which include information provision, advice, mutual support and self- help, individual, group and systemic advocacy, research and evaluation, and education and training.
Wellways 1300 111 400 276 Heidelberg Road, Fairfield VIC 3078 Wellways is located across Victoria and interstate and offers a wide range of individually tailored services designed to support people affected by mental health issues or disability, as well as their families, friends and carers. Our experienced, local staff will help you take charge of your wellbeing, connect with others and participate in your community.
Wellways Helpline 1300 111 500 Helpline is a volunteer support and referral service that provides information to people experiencing mental health issues, as well as their family, friends and carers. We can help if you are feeling socially isolated, seeking information about mental health or services, or simply need someone to talk to. Everyone working on Helpline has a lived experience of mental health issues, whether personal, or as someone who cares for a family member or friend.