Out Doors Inc 03 9417 2111,17 Stubbs Street Kensington Victoria, 3031
Out Doors has 30+ years of experience working with various cultural groups and communities, specialising in education and skill development in a social, practical and less structured environment. Our programs improve learning outcomes as well as the overall wellbeing of people who are vulnerable and in need of support.
Port Phillip Community group classes
Port Phillip Community group are running free education courses to increase skills and employability. Courses range from computer, arts, film and disability courses.
To view what’s on offer, see http://www.ppcg.org.au
Reclink National Program
The Reclink National Program provides opportunities for social engagement through sport and recreation for people experiencing disadvantage
Find Out More
Star Health 03 9525 1300
You can access information about Star Health Community Groups via the link below:
Star Health offers a range of groups to assist you with your health and wellbeing. The groups are listed in categories below. Select a category, click the link and more information will open in another window.
Alcohol and Other Drug Groups
Counselling Program
Community Groups
Family Groups
Specialised Groups
Walking Groups
What Uniting stands for
At Uniting we work towards achieving a common purpose and share common values. This gives us the ability to be informed by the voice of our consumers and communities to we work alongside to drive real, positive social change.
Uniting Prahran – St Kilda Engagement Hub
The St Kilda Engagement Hub offers a unique community service for adults with severe and enduring mental health issues.
The hub operates as a ‘drop in’ centre. Focussing on encouraging your individual strengths and abilities, our friendly team can support you to connect with a wide range of mental health services.
Location: 101 Carlisle Street (cnr Chapel Street) St Kilda
Telephone: 9692 9500