Neami National’s NDIS Access Project has been extended until 31st December 2019
Neami National in conjunction with ACSO and EACH, are undertaking a Victorian DHHS NDIS access project targeting vulnerable individuals experiencing significant social and economic disadvantage to access the NDIS and receive the support they deserve. The project has a psychosocial/mental health focus and currently has capacity to take on new referrals. Support includes a comprehensive assessment, completing Access Request Forms, obtaining consent to liaise with the NDIA, G.P, Psychiatrists from allied health, writing comprehensive psychosocial reports, submitting signed reports to the NDIA, and where possible attendance of NDIS planning meetings.
Learn more here
Getting ready for the NDIS – a FREE information session on 24 July in Brighton for people with a mental illness and those who support them
Alfred Health Carer Services invites people with a mental illness and those who support them to attend this session to help you better understand the NDIS, how to prepare to transition to the NDIS and build confidence within the new disability system.
See flyer for details
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