Alfred Health Carer Services Carer e-News April 2022

Welcome to the April edition of eNews 

* Reminder*
Daylight savings ends this Sunday 3rd April at 3.00am. That means it time to turn the clocks back 1 hour and enjoy an extra hour of sleep!

Did you know we have a new website?

Our website has had a big refresh and can now be found at
To check it out, click here


Easier access to assistive technology

Do you support someone with an NDIS plan (or have one yourself?). NDIS participants now have easier access to the assistive technology through the NDIS. The upper limit for automatic approval of assistive technology (AT) purchases has increased from $5,000 to $15,000.

The most commonly purchased AT, within the $15,000 price range, includes manual wheelchairs, specialty beds and bathroom chairs/stools.

For more information, click here

Young Carer’s scholarship program

Over 71,600 young people in Victoria are believed to have significant care responsibilities. They may support their mother, father, sister, brother, or grandparent at home because of a disability or illness. Many are at risk of dropping out of school or have difficulty establishing social networks and participating in activities that their peers enjoy.

Carers Victoria’s Young Carer Scholarship program gives young carers attending secondary school the opportunity to be acknowledged for their contributions to their family and the community and to participate in school or community-based activities that enhance their skills, educational achievement, and abilities, or that help them to participate more fully in their community.

Scholarships of up to $500 are awarded to successful applicants.

Who can apply

Young Carer Scholarships are open to secondary school students who live or go to school in Victoria and provide care and support to a family member with an illness or disability.

Please note the number and amount of scholarships awarded is dependent on the number of scholarship applications received and the funding available.

Applications close Friday 15th April
To apply, click here

You can access the complete newsletter via the link below:

April 2022 e-news