The following paragraphs are excerpts from an update by the Deputy Secretary, Mental Health and Wellbeing 2 March 2023
Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022 – A new Q&A
Our new ‘Q&A’ aims to promote understanding of the Act and the activities underway to support implementation. We’ll start this series with a question about the broader goals the Act is trying to achieve. You can email your questions to
Q: ‘What does the new Act do?’
A: The new Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022 delivers on the Royal Commission’s vision for rights-based mental health and wellbeing laws which reflect the diverse needs of our communities and creates the structures that will hold government to account on providing a high-quality, compassionate public mental health and wellbeing system.
The new Act puts people with lived and living experience of mental illness and psychological distress, and their families, carers and supporters at the centre of the mental health and wellbeing system. It does this through the introduction of new rights-based objectives and principles and the inclusion of designated lived experience roles at the highest levels of new and existing governance and oversight entities.
It also establishes key elements of the new system architecture, including the Chief Officer for Mental Health and Wellbeing, statutory Regional Mental Health and Wellbeing Boards to provide advice on the planning and commissioning of services at the local level, the new Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission, a legislated opt-out non-legal mental health advocacy service and Youth Mental Health and Wellbeing Victoria.
The Act will ensure the legislative framework reach beyond merely authorising and regulating the use of compulsory treatment and restrictive interventions and enable a connected and coordinated system where people do not fall through the cracks and receive the treatment, care and support they need.
Please email your questions to
Calendar of engagement opportunities
This calendar reflects the most up-to-date view of upcoming mental health and wellbeing engagement opportunities, including consultations, EOI processes and tenders.
Targeted engagement refers to engagement activities where we are seeking input from priority groups and cohorts. In many cases, we will be working with peak bodies and organisations that represent those communities to identify participants, including people with lived and living experience.
Open engagement refers to public engagement activities where anybody with an interest in the work is welcome to contribute. Where available, we will provide a link to where you can find out more about the engagement and how to participate.
Last updated: 2 March 2023.