FREE Carers’ Day Out… High Tea + The Wizard of Oz
Alfred Health Carer Services invites carers who live in the Southern metro region of Melbourne to register your interest to attend one of the dates on offer (either Saturday 30 June OR Saturday 7 July) to enjoy high tea at The Hotel Windsor plus the theatre performance of the Wizard of Oz. Places are limited so check your availability, preferred date and REGISTER NOW!
See flyer for all details
Invitation to Carers – Counselling Workshop in beautiful bush setting
Carers Victoria Counsellors will host a one day counselling workshop on 18 July reflecting on carer well-being and self-care. A small group of carers will connect with two counsellors who will facilitate a day of gentle reflection, rest and time out.
Expressions of interest close Wednesday 4 July 2018. Limited places available so call early.
See here for details
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