

New website and phone line
The Federal Government has launched a new hub providing advice and up-to-date information for people with disability.

The National Disability Gateway consists of an accessible website and a dedicated phone line staffed by people with lived experience in supporting Australians with disability.

“We worked extensively with people with disability and the disability sector to build a fit-for purpose source of information and hope it will help all Australian communities to easily access advice and referral services,” said Minister for Families and Social Services, Anne Ruston.

The National Disability Gateway can be accessed at www.disabilitygateway.gov.au or by calling 1800 643 787 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm AEST.

New online platform for people with a disabilityThe Federal Government is developing a $3.5 million accessible online job platform to connect people with disability with potential employers.

The platform will provide Australians with disability the opportunity to create an employee profile highlighting their resume, skillset and interests that would benefit a business as well as offer individuals alternate methods of applying and interviewing for jobs.

Get Skilled Access, a disability-run organisation, will deliver the digital platform and also provide a series of workshops to improve the capacity and confidence of organisations to recruit and retain employees with disability.

Stay tuned for the launch of this platform soon.