Who We Are

We are a community support group for the families and friends of people with a mental health condition/psychosocial disability in the South East region of Melbourne as well as carers from outside these areas who might be seeking information and support.  We aim to:

  • Share experiences among our peers, because only others on this journey truly understand its challenges,
  • Organise social activities which provide respite for carers and the company and friendship of others,
  • Gain information on resources available for people with a mental health condition or psychosocial disability and their carers, and circulate this information,
  • Keep abreast of the latest developments in mental health,
  • Invite speakers to our meetings from areas relevant to mental health,
  • Act to protect and promote the interests of people with mental illness and their carers,
  • Help carers to become better informed so that both they, and those for whom they care, can lead more rewarding lives,
  • Advocate for carers to be recognised as playing an important role,
  • Advocate for our loved ones to receive the best treatment possible.

Our office recently relocated to St Kilda Road Clinic, Level 6, 607 St Kilda Road Melbourne 3004    Please ring  Judi on 0425 723 746 or email judi.burstyner@gmail.com for more information about our group.

Our excellent small lending library can be accessed by leaving a phone message at our office – a list of titles can be emailed or mailed to you.

For membership of our group and to join the newsletter mailing list please email us on isfaf@alfred.org.au or complete the attached membership form Application form for Membership 2023. Membership is free and membership details are confidential.

Our meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month, February through to November, commencing at 7.30pm.  We  invite guest speakers to talk on topics relevant to mental health and carer issues.  For more details see Upcoming Events page.

Commencing in 2025. our meetings will be held at:
St Kilda Road Clinic
Level 6
607 St Kilda Road
Melbourne 3004

Parking is available in St Kilda Road after 6.30pm.  Please contact us on 9076 4784, or ring Judi on 0425 723 746 for more information.

ISFAF members Judy and Frank visiting a Balinese temple while on retreat.

Lindy Alcorn and Penny Lewisohn receiving Tandem Awards

ISFAF 30th AGM 13 July 2021, left to right Dr Sudeep Saraf Director AMAH, Sandra Keppich-Arnold, Director of Nursing AMAH, Judi Burstyner Chair ISFAF, Judith Rafferty and Judy Carroll members ISFAF