Useful Contacts

Alfred Mental and Addiction Health (AMAH) – Crisis Assessment and Treatment Service: 1300 363 746

AMAH Inpatient Unit:

  • Ground Floor Enquiries: 9076 3914
  • Ground Floor Consumers: 9076 5370
  • First Floor Enquiries: 9076 3922
  • First Floor Consumers: 9076 5706

AMAH St Kilda Clinic: 9076 9888

Alfred Child and Youth Mental Health Service: 8552 0555

Alma Road Continuing Care Unit: 9076 7900

Alfred Health Carer Services: 1800 512 121 8.30am-5pm

Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement: Bereavement counselling and support services. Access online or call (03) 9265 2100 or 1800 642 066

Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636

Carer Gateway: If you need emergency respite, visit the Carer Gateway or call 1800 422 737

Care in Mind: CAREinMIND Wellbeing Support Service provide free phone and online counselling for people who live, work or study in north, west or central Melbourne. No referral is needed, call 1300 096 269 at any time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you need an interpreter, please call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) first on 131 450.

Carers Victoria: 9396 9500

  • Free Call 1800 514 845

Centrelink Sickness, Disability and Carers: 13 2717

Family Drug Helpline: 1300 660 068

Headspace: eHeadspace Young people 12-25 years old can visit eHeadspace for free online support or call 1800 650 890.

Health Direct Helpline: 1800 022 222, weekdays 11pm-7.30am, Saturdays from 6pm, all day Sunday and Public Holidays

Health Services Commissioner: 1300 582 113

Inner South Family and Friends: 9076 4784 or 0425 723 746

Kids Helpline: Kids and young people up to 25 years old can call 1800 551 800 or for support at any time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Call 13 11 14 any time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or chat online 7pm-midnight (AEDT).

Lifeline Text Service 6pm to midnight: 0477 13 11 14

Mensline Australia 1300 789 978 – 24/7 is a national telephone support service for men with family or relationship concerns.

Mental Health Complaints Commissioner: 1800 246 054

Mental Health Tribunal: 9032 3200, 1800 242 703

National Mental Health Carer Helpline: 1300 554 660

Nurse on Call: 1300 606 024

Office of the Chief Psychiatrist: 9096 7571, 1300 650 172

Psychotropic Drugs Advisory Service: 9076 8036,

Rainbow Door:  LGBTIQ+ people can visit Rainbow Doorcall 1800 729 367 between 10am-6pm every day, text 0480 017 246, or email for non-emergency support.

Also visit Qlife to chat online or call 1800 184 527 between 3pm-midnight every day.

SANE Australia: 1800 187 263 M-F 10am-10pm

StarHealth: 9525 1300

SuicideLine Victoria: Call 1300 651 251 or text/video chat online any time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467

Tandem Support and Referral Line: 1800 314 325

The Orange Door is a central support and resource service and directory for people experiencing family violence.

Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) National: 131 450

Yarning Safe’n’Strong:  Yarning Safe’n’Strong is a free and confidential counselling service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people available any time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1800 959 563.

Wellways: 1300 111 400, Help line 1300 111 500 family violence: 1800 737 732

Which online mental health portal?

Online mental health resources can be confusing. There’s so much available and it’s hard to know what’s useful.

One place to start to find information about what’s available and what will help people’s psychological wellbeing, are portals.

There are three major Australian portals:

  1. Head to Health is a constantly evolving website that provides information for consumers and health professionals about Australian online mental health resources.
  2. WellMob is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander specific portal that provides links to more than 200 culturally appropriate online resources to promote cultural and emotional wellbeing.
  3. MUMSPACE is a site that will lead you to a host of resources to support the mental health of parents in the perinatal period. These include websites, apps and treatment programs.

If you prefer to speak to someone about local mental health services, contact the Access & Referral team on 1800 862 363 (8.30 am—4.30 pm weekdays).