CEO Update 8 June 2018 – Mental Health Australia

Design of a pathway for NDIS participants with psychosocial disability

Mental Health Australia has provided a final report to the NDIA with recommendations on the design of a tailored NDIS pathway for people with psychosocial disability. Mental Health Australia held five consultation workshops across Australia with NDIS participants, carers, service providers, peak bodies, government officials and health professionals. The two overarching themes of the recommendations are:

  • The NDIS must have arrangements in place to interact with people with psychosocial disability to inform them about the NDIS and prepare them for accessing the Scheme,
  • A psychosocial disability strategy should be developed to ensure the NDIA and the Scheme’s response to people with psychosocial disability is appropriate to their needs, as well as the needs of carers and families.

The final report will be published on the Mental Health Australia website in the coming weeks.

For more information click on the link below:

Click on the link below for information on the KPMG report for Mental Health Australia “Investing to Save”