eNews edition 110
1 September 2020
Dear Tandem members and supporters,
Thank you to everyone who attended the third Tandem Members Meeting with Commissioners from the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System held last Wednesday 26 August. Over 80 of you joined us to hear directly from Tandem members about what supports are most needed for family and friends in their own right, supporting someone with mental health challenges, in a future Victorian mental health system.
After an acknowledgement of country and welcome by CEO Marie Piu, we had an introduction from Commissioners Professor Allan Fels AO and Professor Bernadette McSherry. The Tandem Board Chair Dr Melissa Petrakis then facilitated a comprehensive series of presentations by seven Tandem members who spoke eloquently of their experiences and of what needs to change to better support families. This was followed by comments and discussion with the Commissioners. The topics addressed by members included:
- Better access to information for carers
- Financial supports & the value of the Carer Support Fund
- Employment
- Whole of family support /relational recovery
- Peer support & role of carer support workers
- Mental health & wellbeing support for carers, respite
- Psychoeducation for carers (online & face-to-face)
- Final questions/comments from Commissioners
The Commissioners indicated they look forward to joining Tandem members again at some stage if possible before the release of the final report and comprehensive list of recommendations.
We will share a video of Professor Allan Fels’ address and a detailed summary of key points discussed in the meeting in our next edition of eNews.
We hope you can also join us this Thursday 3 September at 10am for Tandem Time.
- Tandem Awards 2020 nominations now open
- Tandem Time this Thursday 10am
- Tandem live guided meditations every Thursday 12pm
- Victorian government news
- Online school holidays program for Young Carers
- Alfred Health school holidays program for Young Carers
- Free online support program for Young Carers
- Free online education and support program for family and friends
- New online wellbeing hub for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
- Videos: the Living Library
- Tandem C.R.A.F.T. Challenge
- Tandem Support & Referral Line
- Mental health helplines
- Other COVID-19 supports
- Join the Tandem familyTandem Time This Thursday 10am
TandemTime is our regular twice monthly online/phone meet-up for Tandem members and staff to connect with each other, ask questions and stay in touch. Our next Tandem Time session will be this Thursday 3 September at 10am.
Join us this Thursday for updates from the team, guided meditation and featuring a special musical guest! We hope you can join us for a chance to unwind and connect.
When you register to attend you will be sent a link that will enable you to login to the meeting at the allotted time and telephone numbers if you prefer to dial in using a telephone.
- Day: Thursday 3 September
- Time: 10am – 11am
- Where: online via Zoom or telephone
If you have any feedback, reflections or questions you would like to ask, please send them to info@tandemcarers.org.au
Register for Tandem Time
Click on the link below to access the complete newsletter: