LifeBuoy app for suicidal thoughts in young people
Black Dog Institute are inviting young people aged between 17-24 who have experienced suicidal thoughts in the past month to test an app designed to reduce their occurrence. |
Beyond Blue supports moves towards suicide aftercare around Australia
The reporting of suicide and self-harm statistics and information on the AIHW website represents one part of the National Suicide and Self-harm Monitoring Project. The Suicide and self-harm monitoring website includes interactive data visualisations and geospatial mapping to illustrate and explore the statistics as well as text to assist with their interpretation and clarification of the limitations of the data. |
Advocates demand changes to NDIS
21 disability advocacy organisations from across the country have united to call for change in a recently released report about the experiences of people with disability who are frequently forced to appeal decisions made by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). The report seeks to highlight the unjust dynamic people with disability experience opposite the NDIA at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.