Tandem eNews 25 October 2023

Excerpts from Tandem’s October eNews

Tandem produces a monthly email newsletter, eNews, with news and information for our members. Join Tandem to subscribe.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Act Resources

Stay up-to-date on the latest information on the new Mental Health and Wellbeing Act on our . Resources include videos, fact sheets, web content and links to useful documents on the new Act. We have also developed a poster and a postcard on the Act, which you can download and .

Tandem’s AGM

The Tandem AGM is coming up Thursday 9 November, for any of our members who would like to attend in-person or online. For the agenda and minutes from last year’s AGM, please head to our .

When: 10:00am – 11:00am Thursday 9 November
Where: The Tandem office, 70 Trenerry Crescent, Abbotsford. Or online.
Online details:

Meeting ID: 810 8404 6170