The Commonwealth Respite & Carelink Centre Southern Region publishes Mental Health News Updates on a weekly basis. These updates can be accessed via the website Inner South Family and Friends also circulate these updates to members on our email list.
The following article is an extract from the November Mental Health News Update.
New headspace Program to Help Schools Affected by Suicide
Minister for Mental Health Mark Butler today launched a new suicide support service to be provided in secondary schools across the country.
Mr Butler said headspace – a youth mental health service – would be funded by the Gillard Labor Government to support students and the broader school community in the wake of a suicide.
“When a student takes their own life, it can be devastating for the whole school community, particularly for close school friends, many of whom may never have dealt with the loss of a loved one before,” Mr Butler said.
“The headspace School Support program will help grieving school communities to come to terms with their loss and it will provide ongoing resources and training for school staff to identify students at risk of suicide.”
Mr Butler said schools would also be connected with other mental health services available in the community including headspace centres – which are being rolled out across the country.
Click here for the Federal Government Media release in full