Inner South Family and Friends Carer Support Group Meeting 11 February 2025

Please note our new office address and venue for our February Meeting, 607 St Kilda Road is just a little closer to St Kilda junction. Our monthly meetings will generally be held at 607 (not 549 as previously). However for our March or April meetings we may invite individuals who are local candidates for the 2025 Federal Election. If so, that meeting may be held in a venue other than 607 St Kilda Road. Please diarise the dates of our meetings – always the 2nd Tuesday of the month – eg 11 March, 8 April, 13 June. Please remember – politicians need voters, so if we do hold a forum with candidates, please bring your family, friends and anyone who may be interested to meet the local candidates. They will be able to meet local candidates informally and the mental health world may respond more favourably when they see those impacted by mental health are a large group. Politics is a power in numbers. 


GUEST SPEAKER:  MICHAEL WHITE, Carer Engagement Team, Alfred Health Carer Services (AHCS).
All Carers, family and friends of individuals are welcome to attend, as are all members of Staff (‘Team AMAH’)  A  light supper provided by our committee is served from 7.05pm, enabling mingling among individuals sharing similar challenging journeys. ISFAF monthly meetings are free. No need to book. However, a small contribution is always extremely welcome. 

VENUE: Level 1, 607 St Kilda Road, Melbourne – a little to the St Kilda side of Wesley College. Lots of free parking in the centre lanes of St Kilda Road and in High Street, with many trams stopping at the door. If you are having trouble with transport, seek further information or just need a chat, about ISFAF. The ‘mental health world’ and/or issues faced by carers please phone: Judi mobile 0425 723 746 or Eleni mobile 0412 018 722  For security, we are required to pay a concierge at the door of the building. Latecomers may not be able to enter. 

 We are grateful to Alfred Mental and Addiction Health (AMAH) for their continued generous support, Including providing us with a lovely office, office facilities and venue for our meetings.