Alfred Psychiatry Community Program Newsletter July 2021

Community Program Newsletter

A message from the AMAH Community Program Manager, Susanne Birks.

It was my pleasure last week to attend the Annual General meeting and 30th Birthday celebration for Inner South Family and Friends (ISFAF). The event was held at Prahran Mission and was luckily just prior to us returning to lockdown.
ISFAF is a local, independent volunteer run group providing support, connection and information for those people supporting individuals experiencing mental illness since being formed in 1991. Robyn Humphries, a founding member of ISFAF, and a current Director of Operations at Monash Health gave a key note address reflecting on the journey of carer participation within the mental health sector, and on the specific achievements of ISFAF over their 30 years of operation, and acknowledgement of the tireless members who have given of their time so generously over the years.
The event was attended by a large number of families and carers, representatives from all levels of government, and local service providers, including from AMAH. At the conclusion of the formal part of the AGM, ISFAF President Judi Burstyner invited guests to join ISFAF members and supporters for a delicious celebratory lunch.
Congratulations to Inner South Family and Friends for a wonderful 30 years, and best wishes for the next 30 years of your important work!

Susanne Birks
Community Program Manager

You can access the complete newsletter via the link below:

Community Program Newsletter July 2021-1