Alfred Health Carer Services Friday Extra 14 June2019

Hi Everyone,
As many of you would be aware, Lindy Alcorn has retired from her role as Carer Resource Worker – Mental Health after 20 years of providing support to families affected by mental illness. I have stepped in to fill the role in a part time capacity until a permanent appointment is made in the coming months. Lindy was a wonderful networker and has left some big shoes to fill; I will be doing my best to clomp around in them! Please feel free to call me with any questions relating to Friday Extra & supporting carers of loved ones with mental health support needs and I’ll do my best to help you connect with the support you need.

I’ll be working Wednesdays and Thursdays and the occasional Friday – if you need a response outside of these times please call 1800 052 222. As always, if you or are carer you are supporting requires respite please call 1800 052 222.

My contact details are   Ph: 9076 6204   Mob: 0418 506 112   Email:

Integrated Carer Support Services
The Department of Social Services has published a range of information on the upcoming Integrated Carer Support Services model, set to become the chief means by which unpaid carers can receive federally funded services and supports. New online supports will be available as well as a new phone-based counselling service from July, with carer-specific supports and services available from September via a network of Carer Gateway service providers who can work with you to plan and access tailored services.
These changes do not affect other carer services delivered through My Aged Care, the National Disability Insurance Scheme or state and territory governments.
For more information, see this Factsheet

You can access the complete Friday Extra via the link below: