Inner South Family and Friends Christmas in June Lunch

June 30, 2024 @ 12:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Brighton Beach Hotel
4 The Esplanade Brighton 3186
Members to pay for own meals and drinks

Bookings are absolutely essential as the bistro always fills to capacity.  Last year, members who failed to book in time were unable to find a seat at the tables.

  1. deposit donation ($10 / $20 ) to Westpac ISFAF Community One A/CBSB 033-169    Account No 258307,
  2. make sure your booking shows your name and the names of others in your booking
  3. email with proof of booking
  4. Please double check that your email shows the names of those for whom you have booked,

Confirmation email will be sent by 5pm Thursday 27 June. If you do not receive the confirmation email, but have paid, email urgently by 5pm Friday 28 June.