Dear members and supporters,
Tandem is growing fast. Over the last two years, we’ve expanded our capacity to provide support, research and advocacy for family, carers and supporters like never before.
Yet there’s still so much we need to achieve. We need to continue transforming our mental health and wellbeing and disability support systems until they meet the needs of families and carers and offer genuinely compassionate treatment and recovery options.
So, Tandem is exploring different ways to generate income to ensure we can meet rising demands and support family, carers and supporters across Victoria in the best way possible.
Our fundraising plans
Next month, Tandem will launch our first Fundraising Appeal.
We want you to understand that this is not about approaching members for money. Our aim is to ask the wider community for support, so that we can alleviate the increasing pressures on families, carers and supporters.
Our first fundraising campaign email will be sent to everyone in our database – including members. If you do not want to receive fundraising emails, please let us know here.
What we’re fundraising for
Tandem’s Fundraising Appeal will raise money to allow the Carer Support Service (CSS) to provide essential advocacy and support, including NDIS support, to more and more community members.
The CSS answers calls to our Carer Support and Referral Line (1800 314 325), often taking calls from people in distressing situations.
Demand for the 1800 Line is skyrocketing. In 2022-23, the Carer Support Service responded to 44% more calls and enquiries than the year before – with NDIS support the #2 issue that families called about. Our CSS team supports families to understand the mental health system, as well as providing guidance with access requests, plan reviews, gathering evidence, complaints and how to speak ‘the NDIS language.’
We are the only organisation that provides NDIS advice and advocacy services for families, carers and supporters, and our resources are often stretched. We are now turning to the Victorian community to ask for help that will support our CSS team in the critical work they do.
How you can support the Appeal in other ways
There are several ways that you can support Tandem’s fundraising efforts besides giving money!
- Share your story: Have you ever been supported by our Carer Support Service? Would you be happy to share your story, whether publicly or anonymously? Let us know by responding to our survey, emailing us, or calling 03 8803 5555 and asking to speak to the Communications team.
- Share our story: When Tandem launches the Appeal, share our emails and newsletters with your own networks to help us widen the reach of our campaign.
- Share your time and expertise: contributing to Tandem’s advocacy work is the most valuable way that you can support us! You can do this by attending Members’ Meetings, joining opportunities for consultation when you see them advertised or by joining the Tandem Participation Register.
Thank you for your support, and we hope you enjoy this edition of eNews! |