Talking Point Free Seminar Series


Family Drug Treatment Court: Improving outcomes for parents experiencing addiction and their children in child protection proceedings, presented by
Matt Wilson – Statewide Program Manager, Family Drug Treatment Court – Children’s Court of Victoria

This presentation will showcase the Children’s Court of Victoria’s Family Drug Treatment Court (FDTC). The FDTC is a 12 month judicially monitored, solution-focussed court approach that seeks to engage parents whose children have been removed from the care due to parental substance misuse of dependence with the aim of achieving safe and sustainable family reunification.

Through an exploration of the Family Drug Treatment Court, the webinar will provide participants with the opportunity to:

  • Understand the operations of the Family Drug Treatment Court in the Children’s Court of Victoria
  • Understand how solution-focused court-based approaches lead to significantly higher and more sustainable rates of family reunification for parents who have experienced addiction.

Matt Wilson is the Statewide Program Manager of the Family Drug Treatment Court in the Children’s Court of Victoria and led the court to be awarded the 2019 Victorian Protecting Children Awards prestigious Robin Clark ‘Making A Difference’ Award. Matt has an almost 30 year history working in a range of statutory, clinical, leadership and managerial roles across the children, youth and families sector. Matt’s academic qualifications lie in Social Work, Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health, Child and Family Practice Leadership, and Addiction science.

Matt is 2020 Churchill Fellow, and a 2023 Policy Impact Fellow through the University of Queensland’s Centre for Policy Futures and the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust.

Date: Wednesday 27th November 2024
Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm AEST
Cost: Free
Register: click here to register