Free mental health support for adults in Cardinia or Kingston
Services are currently available for patients who live or work in Cardinia or Kingston, for South Eastern Melbourne PHN’s Accessible Psychological Interventions (API) service.
API services offer a range of short term psychological interventions for patients who can’t afford or access similar services, including:
- cognitive-behavioural therapy
- skills training
- relaxation strategies
- other evidence-based interventions.
API services can be delivered by clinical psychologists, psychologists, mental health social workers, occupational therapists and mental health nurses.
Referrals can be made to SEMPHN’s Access & Referral (8.30 am–4.30 pm weekdays).
Phone: 1800 862 363
Fax: 1300 354 053
Find the referral forms here.
Secure, online referral form upload: here