During Level 4 Restrictions we cannot Walk ‘n Chat on Brighton Beach but we continue to meet to chat via Zoom at 2.45 on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month
Our next walk is Thursday 3 September 2020
Note the Meeting ID: 787 536 696 Passcode: 681213 and click on the link below.
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/787536696?pwd=S3ZPWDdkb0xXZDJlOE9oYm1sNXJ4QT09 or join by phoning 7018 2005 or 02 8015 6011 or 731 853 730
The above Zoom details apply to all Walk ‘n Chats throughout 2020
When Covid 19 restrictions permit
Beach Walk ‘n Chat on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. Walk from Northpoint Café Brighton @1.30pm. Family members, including canines very welcome. If you don’t wish to walk, feel free to join us at 2.45pm to chat.
During lockdown, we continue to chat via Zoom. Details on how to access the chats via Zoom are above.
Walk Dates for 2020
September Thursday 3 September and 17 September
October Thursday 1 October and 15 October
November Thursday 5 November and 19 November
December Thursday 3 December 17 December