TREAT Rest and Recovery Session

TUESDAY 20 AUGUST 5.30pm to 8pm at 607 ST KILDA ROAD (NOT OUR USUSAL 549) 



Therapeutic Relaxation and Enhanced Awareness Training, or ‘Treat’ has been shown to significantly reduce burnout and increase mindfulness. 

Treat was created and will be presented by Jo Gibbs, BN (PostReg), RN (AHPRA), GradDipCouns (MACA), MBSR/MBCT, ACT and EFT trained, Suicide Awareness Trainer, Hand-Hand Peer Support facilitator. 

Jo has worked in hospitals and in healthcare for over 35 years. From her experience as a hospital and university trained registered nurse, university trained human services counsellor and an interdisciplinary facilitator for hospital and leadership teams, Jo has created a unique and practical approach to burnout. Her current focus is helping reduce the high fatigue she has witnessed in clients over recent years. Participants learn how to increase personal energy and awareness, enhance vitality and psychological safety, and improve cognitive, physiological and emotional resources. The Treat ‘Rest and Recovery’ sessions are especially designed to support carers and help reduce cognitive and physical fatigue, stress and emotional exhaustion. These sessions are very gentle and help you shift into a calm, renewed and relaxed state, where physiological healing and emotional regulation can occur. They are based on the most up to date research and include a blend of mindfulness practices, psychological tools, gentle movement, relaxation and restorative rest. No prior experience is needed. 

Due to limited space and the need to advise caterer, bookings MUST Close 5pm Wednesday 14 August.


1. deposit donation ($12 / $24 ) to Westpac ISFAF Community One A/C BSB 033-169 A/c No: 258307, 

2. make sure your booking shows your name and the names of others in your booking 

3. email with proof of booking 

4. Please double check that your email shows the names of those for whom you have booked, 

5. any special dietary needs. We will try our best to cater to these, but cannot guarantee that all will be possible. 

Confirmatory email will be sent by 5pm Saturday 17 August. If you do not receive the confirmatory email but have paid, email urgently and by 5pm Sunday 18 August. 

If you have questions regarding the bookings, please do not hesitate to contact Judi directly on mobile 0425 723 746 or