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May 2, 2024 @ 9:15 am – 5:00 pm
Peninsula Hot Springs
$18 pensioner, $36 non pensioner
Check In and Departure: 9.15 am Dan Murphy Car Park, 823 Dandenong Road, Malvern East (diagonally opposite Monash Caulfield, allow 15 minutes to walk from Caulfield Station)
The bus will leave on time and cannot wait for latecomers. Bookings are essential as places are limited and must be booked by noon Monday 22 April.
We are obliged to pay a week ahead and therefore must have bookings in time.
Donation: Pensioners $18 Non-pensioners $36
The donation includes bus, entry and final drink. It does not include food/lunch, towels and robes. You are strongly advised to bring your own lunch, towels and a towelling style robe in a bag to carry with you throughout the day.