Beach Walk ‘n Chat this week, family members, including canines very welcome. Walkers meet at 1.30pm outside Northpoint Café Brighton – at the (beach end) of North Road If you don’t want to walk, feel free to join at 2.45 pm to chat.
Walk Dates for 2020:
Thursday 5 November and 19 November
Thursday 3 December 17 December
ISFAF Annual General Meeting is next week and our End-of Year Dinner is just around the corner
Tuesday 10 November 2020 Annual General Meeting PLEASE NOTE 7 PM START
Invitations and Proxy Forms have been circulated.
Guest Speaker: Dr Sudeep Saraf, Programme Director, Alfred Mental and Addiction Health will speak on ‘Innovations, New Developments at AMAH during the Pandemic and Beyond’,
Tuesday December End-of-Year Dinner (generously subsidised) details to be advised shortly
ISFAF office is not attended during ‘The Time of Corona’, but please don’t hesitate to contact us by calling Eleni on 0412 018 722 or Judi on 0425 723 746 or 9528 2820 if you have difficulty in accessing any meetings or would like information or just need to chat to someone
If you know anyone in need of a chat, especially individuals who don’t have internet, please call them and let us know if we can help. We need to reach out to those around us. We all need to work together.
Please spread the message because those without internet are often the most lonely in our community. And finally – the same old message – please keep an eye on our website:
ISFAF committee is planning fun things for us to share once the restrictions allow. Now that restrictions are easing, we are already planning our end of year dinner.
If you have suggestions for venue / ideas for events please let Eleni or Judi know urgently
We have received some wonderful contributions to the ISFAF Anthology and seek more.
If you would like to contribute anything that is suited to publication within a book – such as an essay, article, poem, drawing or photo, please contact Judi on 0425 723 746 or email