Turning Point Free Seminar Thursday 23 February 2023

Psychedelic-assisted treatment for substance use disorders:
long overdue but now overhyped?

presented by Professor John Marsden

After a long hiatus, there is astonishing interest and international research on the question of whether psychedelic drugs can help people reduce harm and recover from substance use disorders (SUD). This presentation will, trace the history of this topic, summarise a recently completed systematic review of studies of classical and contemporary psychedelic drugs with SUD outcomes, reflect on the limitations and strengths of the extant literature and discuss the challenges and features of high-quality studies that will be needed to secure policy support for these interventions.

John Marsden is Professor of Addiction Psychology at the Addictions Department, Institute of psychiatry, psychology and neuroscience, Kings College London. Holding professional appointments in the Addictions treatment and research field since 1987, John is a clinical research psychologist and cognitive behavioural psychotherapist and a senior member of the addictions department. John is the Editor-in-Chief of the academic journal Addiction.

Date: Thursday 23rd February 2023
Venue: Online
Time: 2:00pm – 3:00pm AEST
Cost: Free – Talking Point is a free seminar series but registrations are essential
Register: click here to register