LWLC Online x WHISE: South East Bumper Session
Free online workshop for women considering running for local government. Hosted in collaboration with Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE).
An exciting opportunity to engage women in our community, who might be considering running for local government in the elections in October.
On Saturday 15th August, Women’s Health In South East (WHISE) are proud to be co-hosting a free online training with VLGA, called Local Women Leading Change. We need your help to promote this training to women in your community. WHISE and VLGA wish to engage women from all communities, especially those who for too long, have been under represented in local government.
As a partner to the Preventing Violence Together (PVT) strategy, can we ask that you forward this email or its content, to your communications team, for promotion on Council social media platforms, newsletters, newspapers etc? Please also share with other Council teams and your community organisations where possible, particularly those groups or organisations who engage with women from migrant backgrounds, youth, Aboriginal community groups/ agencies, faith organisations etc.
Please use the attached PDF flyer and social media tile, as well as the registration and Facebook links below.
Registration link to 15th August session:
Please share the link on Facebook:
Suggested blurb for Twitter post:
Our partner organisation@whisewomen are proud to be co-hosting a free online event with @_VLGA, for women in the south east who are considering running for local government elections in October. Register for Local Women Leading Change training on Saturday 15 August:
Social Media handles/ hashtags to use in posts
@whisewomen (Twitter)
@whisewomen (Facebook) pages and tag the following organisations in your posts @whisewomen (Twitter/Facebook) and @_VLGA (Twitter) @VicLGA (Facebook)
suggested hashtag #WomenLeadingChange
Your Community, Country and Council
It’s really important to note that the VLGA is running 3 online forums called ‘Your Community, Country and Council’ for Aboriginal Victorians, please see the links below for details and registrations. Please promote widely in your communications and if you have any questions about these sessions, please kindly email Liddy Clark – liddy@vlga.org.au
Having more women in our community, in positions of leadership and decision-making is of course, a crucial step towards achieving gender equality. Thank you in advance for supporting this important work,
Kind regards,
Zoe Francis
Health Promotion Coordinator – Prevention of Violence Against Women
Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE)
Level 1, 70 St Kilda Rd, St Kilda 3182
Phone: (03) 9794 8677
PO Box 58, Malvern Victoria 3144
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