Inner South Family and Friends Support Group Meeting 7.30pm Tuesday 8 October 2019

Guest Speaker Rohani Bixler Estate Planning Lawyer, with an interest in Carer Issues, Wills and Succession Planning for Carers of Individuals with Mental Health Issues will discuss:

“Ensuring the best of opportunities for our loved ones when we are no longer able to look after them”

Venue: Uniting (formerly Prahran Mission), 211 Chapel Street Prahran, between High Street and Prahran Town Hall

All welcome, no need to book. Light refreshments are available from 7.15pm. There is no charge, but a small donation towards supper is always appreciated.  Please come early, especially if coming for the first time.  You can contact our office on 9076 4722, or by email at, or by calling Judi directly on 0425 723 746 if you have any questions or difficulty with transport.

You can access more news about ISFAF via the link below:

ISFAF News October 2019