We welcome you to our first support group meeting for the year at the Betty Day Centre 67 Argyle Street, St Kilda at 7.30pm.
Guest speakers are Dr Margaret Leggatt, AM, PhD, B.App.Sc. (OT) and Sandy Jeffs, well known author of several books including ‘Flying with Paper Wings’ which won the Sane Australia Book of the Year 2012. Sandy has become a community educator speaking about what it is like to live with a mental illness.
Both speakers will discuss the
The Current State of Mental Health Services
There is no need to RSVP but if coming for the first time, consider coming half an hour early to chat with committee members, some of whom are always there by 7pm – or call 9076 4713 and leave a message, someone from the group will call you back. You can also join us for refreshments before and after the meeting.