10-18 Jacka Blvd
St Kilda VIC 3182 (next to St Kilda Pier)
There is good public transport to Jacka Blvd, with tram stop almost at the door. Parking is expensive but if you arrive early you may find free parking in side streets entered from Acland Street and heading to the beach.
Alcohol can be purchased at your own expense.
Donation: Pensioners $13, Non-pensioners $26 Seating is limited, bookings will be taken in order of receipt and must be received by Tuesday 6 December
To book:
1. deposit to Westpac ISFAF Community One Account BSB 033-169 Account No: 258307
2. make sure your deposit shows your name
3. email isfaf@alfred.org.au with proof of booking
4. include any special dietary needs in your email
5. expect a confirmation via email. If you don’t receive a confirmation by 5 pm Wednesday 7 December, please email judi.burstyner@gmail.com